Today Briars Rugby union fields 3 Grade teams with an under 21 Colts side, 3 women’s sides and up to 12 junior sides, so the Briars cater for all abilities and senior age groups. We famously are a social club and put on fantastic events throughout the year.
We offer various standard of Rugby, from really good to not so good, so it really doesn’t matter if you haven’t played before, with strong leadership groups, Briars will never let you fail or falter. Our experienced heads can teach you rugby one on one, you just need to bring your enthusiasm.
Our season is long and demanding and as such we recommend that you read the social links, as we like to break the season up and celebrate our progress, we also recommend that you read the injuries section of the website. Preseason usually starts at the start of February, with games starting in April going to September.
Training is on Wednesday for seniors and colts from 6.30pm sharp at Rothwell Park. Attendance is expected for all players wishing to play higher grades.
As with every weekend sport there is an associated cost involved, Briars runs at a break even strategy so we invest every cent back into the club to directly benefit rugby players. The annual subscriptions are $250. This includes your:
- ARU Registration
- A Basic level of insurance.
- Playing shorts
- Playing socks
- Training shirt
- Playing jumpers belong to the club and will be provided to you each week on game day.
Additional club shorts and socks can be purchased from the club for $30 and $15 respectively. You will need to supply your own boots and mouth guard, (and headgear, shoulder pads if you wear them)
So you now know enough, see you Wednesday night at 6.30pm get yourself down to training at Rothwell Park, Concord (the earlier in the season the better) introduce yourself to one of the many club officials or even some of the players we are one of the most friendly clubs in Sydney. Keep an eye on the website for all Briar events.
Briars have a strong history of international rugby visitors playing in the colours of the Briars. Briars rugby has processes in place to assist international rugby players find accommodation and employment. Briars provide top quality rugby and great social atmosphere staying true to the spirit of Suburban rugby in Australia. We welcome all newcomers and will endeavour to make any visitor welcome.
For more recruitment information please email info@briarsrugby.com