Through the ClubGRANTS scheme, Briars Sports has provided financial support to organisations and services within the local community which include local schools, sporting groups and community organisations.

The ClubGRANTS scheme runs annually from September to August. If your Organisations wishes to apply for funding please read the ClubGRANTS Application Guide which will assist you in how to apply for funding.

Funding is Available Under Three Separate Categories

Category 1

Funding for specific community welfare and social services, community development, health services and employment assistance activities, and other projects aimed at improving the living standards of low income and disadvantaged people.

Applicants must apply directly to the relevant Local Committee or Local Committee Convener. Briars Sports local committee is through Canada Bay Council. Refer to the ClubGRANTS Search for information about available funding in your area, application methods and deadlines.

Category 1 is open from February 1st 2024 – May 31st 2024.

Category 2

Funding for general community development and support activities, such as junior sport/grassroots sport or veteran welfare activities.

Applicants must apply directly to their local club through the Club Grants website, with details on the project’s name and purpose, the amount required, and information about the community impact of the proposal. If you need further information about Category 2 funding, contact Briars Sports on (02) 9743 1907.

Category 3

Category 3 is a state-wide fund administered by the NSW Government. For more information contact the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing (OLGR)
on (02) 9995 0575.

For further information on how to apply for a ClubGRANT;

Briars Sports Community Support Programs

Organisation Amount Category
The Scouts Association of Australia $2,500.00 1
Royal Life Saving NSW $2,320.00 1
Concord West Public School P&C $5,000.00 1
Mortlake Public School $8,180.00 1
Briars Hockey Minkies $6,200.00 2
Briars Netball $6,200.00 2
Briars JNR Cricket $6,200.00 2
Briars JNR Rugby $2,500.00 2
Briars Squash $2,000.00 2
Yaralla Cricket Club $4,000.00 2
Concord Occasional Care 2 x $100.00 Voucher None CDSE
Victoria Avenue Public School 2 x $100.00 Voucher None CDSE
St Patricks Primary School 2 x $100.00 Voucher None CDSE
St Marks Primary School $500.00 Sponsorship None CDSE
St Patricks Primary School $200.00 Voucher None CDSE
Organisation Amount Category
Activempowerment $2,332.00 1
Guide Dogs NSW/ACT $5,000.00 1
Mood Active Association $2,000.00 1
The Royal Life Saving Society NSW $2,400.00 1
Briars Junior Cricket $4,800.00 2
Briars Hockey Minkies $4,800.00 2
Briars SNR Netball $4,800.00 2
Briars JNR Rugby $2,500.00 2
Briars Squash $2,000.00 2
Concord Touch Football $1,000.00 None CDSE
St Marks Primary School Donation $500.00 None CDSE
Sydney Weeds Network inc. $750.00 In Kind
Weekly Art Classes $5,400.00 / year In Kind
Pinnacle Spine & Sport $100.00 Voucher None CDSE
Rosebank College $200.00 Voucher None CDSE
ADRI Meeting $150.00 In kind
Organisation Amount Category
Sydney Children’s Hospital $3,200.00 1
Mentoring Men $3,698.00 1
Autism Spectrum Australia $3,602.00 1
Ample Abilities Inc. $2,000.00 1
Briars Hockey $3,000.00 2
Briars Netball $3,000.00 2
Briars Junior Cricket $3,000.00 2
Briars Junior Rugby $1,546.91 2
Briars Squash $1,200.00 2
Inner West Minis $2,500.00 None CDSE
Concord Touch Football $1,000.00 None CDSE
Weekly Art Classes $150.00/week In Kind
Organisation Amount Category
St Mark’s Catholic Primary School $3,326.40 1
Royal Life Saving Society NSW $4,400.00 1
Briars Hockey $3,000.00 2
Briars Junior Cricket $3,000.00 2
Briars Netball $3,000.00 2
Briars Junior Rugby $1,500.00 2
Briars Junior Squash $1,200.00 2
Inner West Minis $2,500.00 None CDSE
Concord Touch Football $750.00 None CDSE
Organisation Amount Category
1st Yaralla Sea Scouts Committee Group $800.00 1
Parkinson’s NSW Limited $2,550.00 1
Dragon Sports Association Inc. $2,050.00 2
Briars Hockey $3000.00 2
Briars Junior Cricket $3,092.00 2
Briars Netball $3,000.00 2
Briars Junior Rugby $1,500.00 2
Briars Junior Squash $1,200.00 2
Inner West Minis $2,500.00 None CDSE
Concord Touch Football $750.00 None CDSE