The Opening of the Ted Stockdale Pavilion
After years of hard work, Briars celebrated the opening of the Ted Stockdale Pavilion at Rothwell Park on Saturday, 8th July 2017.
The Briars Foundation have been involved in many projects over the years but none as challenging and rewarding as this one. Thanks to the City of Canada Bay Council, the State and Federal Governments and through the generosity of many Briars we now have a $1.5m facility for Briars Cricket and Rugby teams to enjoy.
Rothwell Park has always been one of the great suburban sporting grounds, it now has a brand new change room and viewing facility, making it one of the best in Sydney. What makes it even more special is that it has been named after one of our greatest Briars of all time, Ted Stockdale. Ted touched many lives during his 66 years and we now have something to remind us of what a special person he was.
Thank you again to everyone who helped make Saturday such a great success. The weather was perfect, we had a great crowd in attendance and there was a real positive vibe across the ground.
Thank you to Jules Boyter and the Rugby guys for the catering and drinks and thank you Monique for all the set up and photography.
When I took over the Foundation President role from the late Col Dennis some 10 years ago, I said to him our ultimate goal was to build a new change room facility at Rothwell Park, he replied that it would be a wonderful legacy for the Briars Foundation, we finally got there!
Huge thanks to the Briars Foundation board and in particular John Price who did an amazing job throughout what was a very tough process at times, littered with challenges and setbacks. Without John this would’ve never happened! Yes there are some tweaks required before it is fully operational, which will happen over the ensuing weeks and months but it was great to see a packed pavilion with the canteen functioning and guys running out of the Briars new change rooms on Saturday.
Thank you again to everyone…now onto the next project!
Paul Price
Briars Foundation President
Photo Diary
20th January 2017

21st October 2016
Dear Briars Foundation Supporter,
Construction of The Ted Stockdale Pavilion at Rothwell Park is well underway and the attached photo shows the progress after 3 months. The planned finish date is still late December/January so fingers crossed the weather remains kind to us. The Briars Foundation have driven this project and a lot of hard work has gone into this over the past few years.

John Price has done an amazing job working with council, state and federal government to raise the funds required to make this $1.5m project happen. In addition the Briars Foundation has contributed $220,000 towards the pavilion construction and we have been actively fundraising for this over the past few years and thus far we have been successful in raising some $125,000 in donations. If you do the maths, you can see the end result means we now have around $95,000 less in Foundation funds to assist sports development within the club. So, this is a plea to all Briars and supporters to have one last crack at donating to the Briars Foundation for the Ted Stockdale Pavilion. Those who donate will be recognised on a plaque that will be unveiled at the opening of the Pavilion early next year.
If you would like to donate (buy a brick) or top up your current donation you can do so by completing a Briars Foundation’s donation / pledge form ;
The levels of bricks available are;
- $20,000-Platinum
- $10,000-Gold
- $5,000-Silver
- $1,000-Bronze
- $500-Maroon
- $100-Green
Donations towards the Rothwell Park (Ted Stockdale) Pavilion can be made in a number of ways:
To make a tax deductable donation, you can donate via the Australian Sports Foundation , who will provide you with an immediate Tax Receipt or by filling out the Donation/Pledge Form – Please make out cheques to “Australian Sports Foundation” and post forms to the following address.
The Briars Foundation Ltd
C/O The Treasurer
PO Box 195
Should you not require a tax receipt then contributions can be made directly to the Briars Foundation using “Non Deductible Contributions Form” and mailed to the above address.
All contributions are appreciated and will be recognised at the new Pavillion.
We really appreciate everyone who has supported this project thus far, but we are asking for just one last push to get us home! Once this project is completed the Briars Foundation will shift its focus to a scholarship style program promoting junior development plus we will look at other potential projects like a new squash court and maybe even a second hockey field.
I will keep you updated over the ensuing months and look forward to your support!
Thank you.
Paul Price
Briars Foundation President
23rd September 2016

26th August 2016

9th August 2016

After a lot of hard work and a number of meetings I’m delighted to announce that the Ted Stockdale Pavilion will commence construction on Monday 1st August.
As advised previously we have had to make some changes due to budgetary constraints but it is now full steam ahead with a completion date around late December.
For full details on the project, have a look at a summary of the Construction Plan.
We have exciting times ahead as we watch Rothwell park change! I will keep you updated regarding the construction of the pavilion.
It is not too late, if you would still like to make a donation towards this project. To save on administration fees, you can donate via the Australian Sports Foundation who will provide you with an immediate Tax Receipt or alternately you can make a donation by filling out the Briars Foundation’s donation / pledge form.
We will acknowledge everyone who has supported this project by placing their names on a plaque which will be displayed at the new Ted Stockdale Pavilion at Rothwell Park.
Thank you.
Paul Price
Briars Foundation President
Facility Upgrade – Rothwell Park
THE WEEKLY TIMES, Wednesday, 28th August 2013 pg.13
The Liberal candidate for Reid, Craig Laundy has promised Briars Sporting Club in Concord $500,000 to upgrade the Rothwell Park facility. Mr Laundy made the announcement on Saturday and said the funding would be used to upgrade change rooms at the park.
“Briars Sporting Club has been central to the local community for almost 100 years, which is why I am delighted to announce this support from the coalition,” Mr Laundy said.
“The $500,000 will be used by Briars Sporting Club to provide a long overdue upgrade to changing rooms at Rothwell Park at Concord.”
Mr Laundy said Briars Sporting Club has about 1,500 members with more than 500 of them representing the club in rugby, cricket, hockey, bowls, squash and netball.
“In addition to promoting fitness and healthy life styles through its sporting activities, club members also have fantastic opportunities to socialise off the playing field.”
“The Briars Sporting Club has made an extraordinary contribution to the local community and it deserves this support from the coalition.”