Molong’s Sports Facilities & Recreation infrastructure Destroyed by Recent Floods

On the 14th of November, Molong, a country town 30 minutes from Orange NSW, was severely impacted by storms and flooding with most of the town’s local sporting and recreation infrastructure destroyed. Briars Sports has a close connection with Molong Hockey Club, many of their senior players having played Hockey for Briars. Rugby and bowls also have a similar connection with Molong, prompting
Briars Sports to donate $10,000 towards rebuilding their local sporting and recreation facilities.
If any of our members would like to make a personal donation to the Molong community to enable them to get their sports facilities up and running as soon as possible, please make your donation through their Gofundme page. All donations are sincerely appreciated. If you would like to specify a specific sporting club, please include this in your comments.