Lachy’s Long Way Home | Brisbane to Sydney – 10 DAYS
In May this year, Lachlan Cameron, who plays rugby for Briars will embark on an epic run from Brisbane to Sydney in just 10 days, the Fastest Known Time.
Lachy is not doing this for fitness, legacy or ego . He’s taking on this massive challenge to prove his internal fortitude, and to shine a spotlight on mental health. In doing this run, Lachy aims to create awareness & bust the stigma that gets in the way of people being able to talk about how they really feel. It’s to start conversations. Lachy has a goal to raise $100K for Heart On My Sleeve to continue their work in the field of mental health.
To read Lachy’s full store on how he overcame his battle with anxiety and depression, Click Here.
Help Lachy reach his goal of raising $100K for Heart On My Sleeve!
Lachy’s Long Way Home – Sponsorship Opportunities
To reward major donors & show gratitude for your contribution, sponsoring this event may;
- Improve community perceptionof your brand, as it demonstrates your commitment to supporting the mental health of your teams & clients.
- Demonstrate positive social impact to your customers & clients.
- Encourage your team and clients to take care of their own mental health by utilising HOMS’ resources.
Get in Touch
For sponsorship opportunities contact Julia Hern, General Manager of Heart On My Sleeve | E: julia@heartonmysleeve.org
If sponsorship doesn’t feel like the right option, you can make a donation on Lauchy’s fundraising page by donating HERE!
To follow the event progress follow @Lachycam_runs and @heartonmysleeve.