House Policy on Children at Briars Sports Club
Click here for Briars Sports Club’s house policy on children at the Club.
Responsible Service of Alcohol
The Responsible Service of Alcohol encompasses our responsibilities relating to minimizing the harm to our members and others resulting from the service of alcohol.
The Act effectively requires the Club to have in place procedures to adequately ensure that the issues raised in the Act are managed.
Briars at Greenlees Ltd, in the best interest of its patrons and the community promotes responsible serving of alcohol and sees it as vital for legal, health and community reasons. Our society is now less tolerant of the irresponsible use of alcohol that leads to drunkenness, drink driving and under age drinking. We are now far more aware of the serious social problems that are associated with such behaviour.
Briars at Greenlees has adopted the following strategies for the Responsible Service of Alcohol:
- Prohibiting unacceptable practises which could lead to the rapid or excessive consumption of alcohol, which includes but is not limited to ; the multiple supply of shooters, drink stockpiling , the supply of triples
- Preventing under-age drinking by insisting on “proof of age” by requesting drivers license, passport or proof of age card issued by the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority.
- Preventing intoxication by recognizing the signs of intoxication and avoiding serving anyone to the point of intoxication. We will deny entry or service to anyone who is already intoxicated
- If you are intoxicated our staff will refuse service and ask you to leave the premises, an intoxicated person is not permitted to stay on the premises by law – unless they are a risk to themselves
- We will promote the service of non-alcoholic beverages and food.
- The supply of no more than 2 alcoholic drinks to an individual at any one time during an open bar and the supply of no more than 4 drinks to an individual at any one time during regular bar trading
- Any person found to be buying drinks for an intoxicated person will be refused further service and asked to leave the premises
Foul or abusive language or behaviour or improper conduct towards members, guests or employees or causing damage to club property will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
Our policy at Briars at Greenlees is very clear – we want all guests to enjoy themselves. We are here to serve people with alcoholic beverages, professionally, in a friendly manner and responsibly.
This policy in no way limits people’s choice to drink and enjoy themselves. We want all customers to enjoy themselves. What we do not want to do is allow people to drink to excess and place themselves, our patrons and the community at risk.
By working together as a team we can create a safe, enjoyable and friendly atmosphere for all.
Code of Conduct: By-Laws Rule 1
All members are expected to display levels of behaviour that do not offend. Unruly, outlandish or offensive behaviour will not be tolerated.
The following rules are to be observed by members and guests whilst on the premises. The Club expects everyone to always act according to accepted norms, as would any community club; behave with common sense so as not to offend.
- All members must be financial members for the current year in an appropriate membership category.
- A member shall not, within the precincts of the Club, engage in any conduct that damages the image and integrity of the Club.
- A member shall not physically or verbally abuse any member of staff, opponent, spectator, Club official or member, or any other person whilst within the precincts of the Club.
- A member shall not use offensive language or make offensive gestures whilst within the precincts of the Club.
- Members and their guests shall dress at all times in clean and acceptable attire (see the Club’s Dress Rules) whilst in the precincts of the Club.
- When representing Briars at Greenlees at other venues, members will adhere to the Code of Conduct for Briars at Greenlees Ltd.
- The Board of Briars at Greenlees will warn any member about his/her conduct and may place conditions upon membership. If the Board is of the opinion that a member has breached the Club’s Code of Conduct, then the Board will take appropriate disciplinary action.
- Members are responsible for the behaviour of any guests they introduce to the Club and must ensure that their behaviour, at all times, conforms to this Code of Conduct.
- Any grievances or complaints about any aspect of the Club’s operation must be forwarded in writing to the General Manager for formal consideration. Any other form of communication will not be accepted.
Complaints Handling Procedure
The Board and management of Briars Sports Club are committed to resolving complaints in a fair and effective manner. Complaints will be dealt with efficiently and the complainant will be treated with courtesy and respect. The effective handling of complaints will enable the Club to channel feedback into improving services to members and their guests.
Complaints can be reported in one of two ways:
- Upload an Action Forms or collect one from the Bar or the Office. Please complete the Action Form detailing clearly what the complaint is, providing as much information as possible. Please provide relevant contact information to allow the Club to formally reply.
- Address a written complaint to the General Manager, Briars Sports Club, 14 Ian Parade, Concord, NSW 2137 or email your written complaint with an attached Action Form to sports@briarssports.com.au.
The Club has adopted the Clubs NSW recommendations for handling complaints. They include:
The Club will make appropriate arrangements to ensure that complaints are received and recorded by a responsible person during normal office hours;
A complaint must be in writing and contain the particulars of the allegations upon which it is founded;
The Club will consider the complaint as soon as is practicable after the complaint is received (please see section 3 below – Timeframes). In processing the complaint, the Club may:
- Require the complainant to provide further particulars of the complaint;
- Carry out an investigation into the complaint;
- Attempt to resolve the matter by conciliation;
- Decline to entertain the complaint because the matter is considered frivolous, vexatious or lacking in substance (including repeat complaints about the same or similar issue(s) from the same complainant) or
- Conduct a hearing into the complaint.
The Club will always try to resolve any issues straight away. However, the Club acknowledges that whilst some issues may be simple and can be dealt with quickly, others may be more complex and may require more time to investigate. In this case, the General Manager will send a formal acknowledgement within five (5) working days outlining a timeframe for proposed actions and response. Where possible, this will be no more than seven (7) days after the Club has received the complaint. If a complaint requires a change in policy, then it may have to be resolved at the next available Board Meeting. This may take up to 6 weeks. Again, if this is the case, this will be communicated to the complainant. Under normal circumstances a complaint should take no more than six (6) weeks to resolve.
Register of Complaints
A complaints register will be maintained by the Club including: a) The date and time the complaint was received; b) The name and contact details of the complainant; c) The substance of the complaint; d) The substance and date of the Club’s response.
Additional Information
If additional information, or any assistance is required in completing the Action Report, please enquire at the Office or call 9743 1907.