Join Now

Become a social member of the club for only $2.20! Gain reward points over the bar & bistro with every purchase you make at Briars Sports. For further details on our member rewards program or the Briars Sports Courtesy Bus, click on the buttons below;

New Member – Applications

If you would like to become a Briars Sports member please talk to one of our staff when you next visit the club. It is a quick and easy procedure which can be done when signing into the club. Please ensure that you have your electronic or physical driver’s license, passport or proof of age card with you.

Your membership card will be ready for you to collect from the bar at Briars Sports, once your membership has been approved by the Board of Directors.

Existing Members – Membership Renewals

Renewals for the 2024/2025 membership year are now OPEN. You can renew your social membership for just $2.20 when you next visit the club.

Membership Fees

Sporting Member – $2.20 per year (ending 30 September each year)
Social Member – $2.20 per year (ending 30 September each year)

Complaints Handling Procedure

The Board and management of Briars Sports Club are committed to resolving complaints in a fair and effective manner through our complaints handling procedure. Complaints will be dealt with efficiently and the complainant will be treated with courtesy and respect. The effective handling of complaints will enable the Club to channel feedback into improving services to members and their guests.

If you have a complaint that you would like to bring to our attention, please download and complete the complaints action form. Once completed you can either mail the form to the Club or email it as an attachment to