From:Briars Sports
Name/TitleTrophy - Cricket Memorial Trophy with label 'The Cricket Memorial Trophy is intended as a remembrance of those who lost club member who lost their lives in World War. The trophy was donated by the late HWG Whiddon in 1946', 1946-2020
About this objectThis trophy is to commemorate the Briars who have lost their lives in World War II and is awarded annually to the cricketer gaining most points from the following;
1) Value to team as a cricketer (35 Points)
2) Conduct (15 Points)
3) General Keeness (15 Points)
5) Value to the Club as a member (25 Points)
6) Neatness ofdress (10 Points)
Large trophy with wooden base
Date Made1946 - 2020
Series TitleTrophy/Awards Collection
Subject and Association KeywordsCricket
Object numberOB0055