Notice of Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the 18th Annual General Meeting of Briars at Greenlees Ltd, trading as Briars Sports will
be held in the Club rooms, Cnr. Ian Parade & Wellbank Street, Concord, NSW, 2137, on Sunday, 25th February 2024, commencing at 10.00am.
- Apologies
- To confirm the Minutes of the 17th Annual General Meeting
- To receive, consider and if thought fit adopt the Directors Report
- To receive, consider and adopt the statement of financial performance and statement of financial position for the 12 months ended 30th September 2023, together with the Auditor’s Report therein
- Presentation of trophies
- Declaration of the ballot (if required) for the Directors of the club for 2023-2024
- Benefits for Directors (please see annexure A)
- To deal with any business for which due notice has been received
- General Business